Let An Experienced DUI Attorney Help You

Getting arrested and charged with a DUI is a disturbing event in a person’s life. The very first thing you should do is get in contact with an experienced DUI attorney. The facts are that most people charged with a DUI have no criminal history at all. They are not people who go out with the purpose of getting drunk and driving. Most likely they have been out with friends or at an event and had one more drink than they should have. Then on the way home they violate a seemingly insignificant traffic law and they do it in the presence of a police officer.

Finding the Right Attorney

Suddenly they are involved in an unfamiliar judicial system that needs help from an experienced DUI attorney. Then the question arises, “How do they find one?” Finding the right DUI attorney can make all the difference in the world.

Let me tell you some of the things that you will encounter if you are charged with a DUI offense.

Possible Defenses

First of all remember that you are considered to be innocent until you are proven guilty. Don’t think that just because you got a ticket that you are going to be found guilty. There are defenses that you have and that the right DUI attorney will know about. These defenses may or may not work in your case but they should be investigated in every case.

Challenge the Stop.

The police officer must have a valid reason for stopping you. The reason can be pretty petty. A broken taillight will do. But there has to be some legally sufficient reason stated that causes him or her to stop you. If not, the evidence obtained during that stop could be declared inadmissible at trial. If that is the situation the case is dismissed.

Contest the Results of the Breath or Blood Test

There are strict rules in place as to how and when a breath or blood test must be conducted. If these protocols are not followed the results of the test are inadmissible. Without those test results it makes it much harder for the prosecutor to obtain a conviction.

Contest the Roadside Tests

The National Highway Traffic Administration has established a standardized set of field sobriety tests. An officer must be trained and certified in order to administer these tests. I have taken the training the officers get. I know what they must do and how they have to do it. And I know that many officers do it wrong.

What You Need to Do Now

If you are charged with a DUI you need an experienced DUI attorney right away. You need to call me. I will meet with you for an initial consultation at no cost. We will go over your case and I will listen o what you have to say. If you are not pleased with what I have to say you can leave, free of charge. No worries.

You have a lot to lose by not calling me and nothing to lose by calling me. Pick up the phone and call me now.


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