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On Being A Lawyer January 23 2025

On Being A Lawyer January 23 2025

It Isn't All Exciting Being a trial Lawyer is a great profession. I have done it for more than 50 years and I would do it for another 50 if I could. But not every day is exciting. Today is an example. I had agreed to stand in for a lawyer friend on a case in St....

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What Didn’t You Understand

What Didn’t You Understand

Let's Take Depositions Being a trial lawyer is a great way to serve people who need help in the legal system. It is interesting, challenging and frustrating.  One of the tools used in a lawsuit is called a deposition. That is where a witness is questioned pre-trial...

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Lucked Out At The Last Moment

Lucked Out At The Last Moment

A Long Way To Go One of the difficulties in practicing in Courts all over the State, and sometimes even in other States, is learning all the local customs. And believe me they are as varied as can be.  Today I have a case on the docket in Lewis County, Missouri. The...

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Dangers of Drunk Driving

Dangers of Drunk Driving

The Dangers of Drunk Driving: Why You Should Never Drive Under the Influence  Let me tell you about the dangers of dunk driving. Driving under the influence of alcohol is a serious and dangerous act that can have devastating consequences. Here are several compelling...

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What Is Manslaughter in Missouri?

What Is Manslaughter in Missouri?

What Is Manslaughter in Missouri? People often ask “what is manslaughter in Missouri?’ It is a complicated question. In Missouri there are three different levels of manslaughter. As a criminal defense attorney I have dealt with cases in all three categories. Let give...

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Can You Reduce My Speeding Ticket

Can You Reduce My Speeding Ticket

Reduce My Speeding Ticket “Can you get this reduced? “That is the question I am always asked when somebody comes to me with a speeding ticket. The only honest answer I can give is “depends.” “Can you reduce my speeding ticket?” they ask. Different Jurisdictions It...

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Domestic Assault Considerations

Domestic Assault Considerations

Domestic Assault is Serious If you are charged with Domestic Assault there are some things you need to know. The crime of domestic assault is taken quite seriously these days. So seriously that often a person is charged with domestic assault when one did not even take...

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Facts From an Experienced DUI Attorney

Facts From an Experienced DUI Attorney

Let An Experienced DUI Attorney Help You Getting arrested and charged with a DUI is a disturbing event in a person’s life. The very first thing you should do is get in contact with an experienced DUI attorney. The facts are that most people charged with a DUI have no...

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Meeting Dickie Betts

Meeting Dickie Betts

Dickie Betts Years ago, when my fingers were more nimble and flexible, I played acoustic guitar. Most of my repertoire was country music with some southern rock mixed in. I never reached any level of competence that made me think I was marketable. Music was a fun...

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Experienced DUI Attorney

Experienced DUI Attorney

Experienced DUI Attorney An experienced DUI attorney encounters a number of different situations. No DUI case is the same. Each one has subtle differences that an experienced DUI attorney looks for. Why Were You Stopped? First of all, what was the reason you were...

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Probable Cause Statement

Probable Cause Statement

Probable Cause Statement This person is not a client of mine and I did not get this information through any privileged communication. What you are going to read here came off a service the courts in Missouri use called casenet. It is accessible by the general public....

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The Right DUI Attorney

The Right DUI Attorney

Get The Right DUI Attorney If you are here you have probably Googled dui attorney near me or maybe dwi attorney near me. So let me tell you how I can help you. Whether this is your first DUI or you have some previous DUI cases I understand that you are really stressed...

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What Does Probation Mean?

What Does Probation Mean?

What Does Probation Mean? Sometimes my clients are put on probation. It happens when there is clear and convincing evidence that they are guilty as charged beyond a reasonable doubt and they do not want to take the risk at trial of being found guilty and going to...

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DUI Outcomes in Missouri

DUI Outcomes in Missouri

What A DUI Attorney Does A DUI in Missouri can result in a number of outcomes. Those outcomes range from jail to a suspended imposition of sentence with no fine at all. And there is always the possibility of not guilty. Any DUI attorney will tell you that there is no...

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DWI vs DUI Missouri

DWI vs DUI Missouri

DWI vs DUI in Missouri Did you get a DWI? Did you get a DUI? What is DWI vs DUI in Missouri? The simple answer is nothing. These are just terms that have worked their way into the legal jargon. What Missouri Law Says  577.010 of the Revised Statutes of Missouri...

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Goodbye 2023

Goodbye 2023

It's Gone Now 2023 is in the books by now. It was a good year for me and I hope it was for you. This year I got the chance to ride my new Harley Davidson Road Glide to the 100th anniversary of the Laconia Motorcycle rally. I also took a ride to Orlando, Florida for...

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DUI Attorney and Motorcycles

DUI Attorney and Motorcycles

A DUI Attorney for Bikers Do you ride motorcycles? As a DUI attorney I encounter people from all walks of life who get tickets for DUI or DWI. Really those are the same thing. The ones that concern me are the people who need a DUI lawyer because they were drinking and...

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How to Choose the Right Criminal Attorney

How to Choose the Right Criminal Attorney

The Right Criminal Attorney When you are facing a criminal charge, you want to be confident your criminal attorney will fight for you vigorously. There are safeguards to ensure you are choosing the right criminal attorney for your case. These safeguards include asking...

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DWI Attorney St. Charles

DWI Attorney St. Charles

DWI Attorney St. Charles Want A DWI Attorney St. Charles? If you are charged with a DUI or DWI here are some things you should know. If you do not have the right attorney you could lose your license and even go to jail. The firsts offense for a DUI also known as a DWI...

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DUI Attorney St. Charles

DUI Attorney St. Charles

DUI Attorney St. Charles If you are charged with a DUI or DWI here are some things you should know. If you do not have the right attorney you could lose your license and even go to jail. The firsts offense for a DUI also known as a DWI can carry up to 6 months in the...

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Laconia Day 5 – Headed Home

Laconia Day 5 – Headed Home

Andy decided he wanted to sleep in this morning so I took off alone for home at about 7:00 a.m.. The temperature was in the low 50’s when I started but quickly rose into the 60’s. The sun was out and traffic was light. I was able to go about 180 miles between gas...

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Laconia Day 4

Laconia Day 4

It seems like it took forever but we finally made it to Laconia. For reasons I can’t explain it took almost six hours to travel about 100 miles. There were stops for gas, breakfast, lunch and sushi along the way. And then there was the rain. It rained on us for most...

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Laconia Day 3

We did not do much better mileage wise than the day before. In all we were under 400 miles. That’s is attributed to rain. There was lots of it and we spent more time driving in the rain that we did dry. But that can only go on so long before you have top stop and dry...

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Laconia Day 2

Laconia Day 2

Today also got off to a slow start. After sleeping in and eating a big breakfast at the local Perkins Pancake House we did not hit the road until well after 10:00 a.m. We initially made good time cruising at about 80 mph. The temperatures dropped into the low to mid...

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Laconia Day 1

Laconia Day 1

Today did not start out as planned. Andy and I were originally going to meet at 10:00 a.m. That was later changed to 10:30 a.m. At around 10:00 I headed out to the Panera on Zumbehl to meet with Andy. I stopped to gas up and as I pulled out of the gas station it...

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Off to Laconia

Off to Laconia

Today is the start of my trip to Laconia, New Hampshire for the Laconia Motorcycle Week. My friend and fellow attorney Andy Koor is on this trip. Andy does ot like to get an early start. We had agreed to leave at 10:00 a.m. That is a very late start for me. This...

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What is a Preliminary Hearing?

What is a Preliminary Hearing?

What is a Preliminary Hearing? That is a very good question to ask your attorney if you are charged with a felony in Missouri. It is an important part of the felony proceedings. What is a preliminary hearing is a question that needs answering. Let me explain. In...

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What Happens If You Refuse the Breathalyzer

What Happens If You Refuse the Breathalyzer

When you get charged with a DUI or DWI you either get a notice of revocation of your license or a notice that your license will be suspended for a period of time. That is all dependent on whether or not you took the breath test. People are sometimes confused about the...

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Should I Take The Breath Test?

Should I Take The Breath Test?

Should I take the breath test? People ask me that question all the time. There is no one answer that fits all circumstances. The answer depends on many things. Of course, if you have had no alcohol at all to drink then the answer to “should I take the breath test” is...

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Find A DUI Attorney Who Cares

Find A DUI Attorney Who Cares

When people are looking for a St. Charles DUI attorney, the first thing they usually do is head to the Internet. That is not a bad way to start. What Are You Looking For? The real question is, what are you looking for? What do you want in a St. Charles DUI attorney?...

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Are You Open During the Coronavirus?

Are You Open During the Coronavirus?

The coronavirus has had an impact on many businesses. Fortunately as a criminal attorney and DUI attorney I am able to keep working. People still get into legal jams that need fixing. That is what I do. Please stay at home if you possibly can. When you must go out,...

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Jury Nullification and You

Jury Nullification and You

Jury Nullification Explained In this article, you will learn something about jury nullification. You need to know about it. The government does not want you to know about it. There has been a lot of talk recently about people wanting to “uphold the Constitution,” or...

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Let the Show Begin

Let the Show Begin

It Is Getting Interesting Lawyer advertising has really changed since I started practicing law. In those times, so long ago, there was not a lawyer ad to be found on television. Now you cannot go long without seeing an ad for one firm or another. Most of the time the...

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Pandemic Update March 2021

Pandemic Update March 2021

March 2021 Pandemic Update The pandemic has had an affect on all of us. One of the big impacts it has had on the legal profession is the closing of many courts for in person appearances. Consider this a pandemic update on the law. This first thing that I noticed was...

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