A Long Way To Go
One of the difficulties in practicing in Courts all over the State, and sometimes even in other States, is learning all the local customs. And believe me they are as varied as can be.
Today I have a case on the docket in Lewis County, Missouri. The county seat is Monticello, Missouri.
Monticello is about a two- and one-half hour drive from my office. On previous dockets the Court has allowed me to appear by Webex. That saves me about five hours on the road. Since today’s appearance is only to get a date for the trial of this case I did not think I would have to appear in person.
Checking the Docket
I looked at the docket entries on casenet. Previously there was an entry that specifically stated that “counsel can appear by Webex.” It did not specifically say that about today’s docket entry. I became concerned. So around 4:30 p.m. yesterday I called the Lewis County Circuit Clerk to try and determine if I had to appear in person. I discovered that the clerk’s office closes at 4:00 p.m.
I then tried to track down the Judge. Lewis County is in the 2nd Judicial Circuit. That Circuit is comprised of a number of counties. The Judge of that Circuit has his main office in Adair County. Kirksville is the county seat.
Need Some Clarification
I called the Adair County Circuit Clerk hoping that I could be put through to the Judge for some clarification. The clerk who answered the phone told me the Judge was in hearings and was unavailable.
I had to gamble. Should I drive to Monticello this morning or hope I can complete this task by Webex? I called the Lewis County Circuit Clerk first thing in the morning only to learn that it is the custom to request to be on Webex. I had not done that. Time for a decision.
If I left at that moment, I could get to Monticello by 10:30 a.m. at the earliest. Or I could just stay here and hope the Judge had a Webex link for today.
Got Lucky
I lucked out. I logged onto what is known to be the Judge’s Webex room. And there it was. There would be a Webex today. That was a narrow escape.